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ClickFunnels Checklist For Sales Funnels

Before you launch your sales funnel using ClickFunnels platform, make sure you review this list!

ClickFunnels Functionality

  1. Is your funnel domain set?
  2. Are your funnel page paths set?
  3. Is the root domain/home page pointing to the right page?
  4. Has a 404 page been set up?
  5. If you’re using the split testing feature, is it enabled and set up correctly, including page paths?
  6. Do your funnel pages lead to the correct next page when submitted?
  7. Have the products available for purchase been set up correctly (e.g., price, product name, quantity available)?
  8. Was a test purchase conducted to make sure orders are submitted properly?
  9. Does the customer receive their product (or information about their product) quickly and correctly after purchasing?
  10. Have email integrations been appropriately set to leads to the right email lists and receive the right follow-up emails?
    1. Are your sales funnel ‘automations’ set up correctly? (e.g., email notifications, add to list, remove from list, etc.)
    2. Are your follow-up funnels set up and functioning properly?
  11. Have other integrations for the funnel been set up correctly, such as order tracking software (e.g., Shipstation, Orderlytics)?
  12. Are all page countdown timers accurate? Do the actions taken on countdown timer expiration function properly?
  13. If using a membership area, have the correct modules been restricted or allowed based on the customer’s purchase history?
  14. If using an affiliate program, are the affiliate commissions for each product set up correctly and tracking properly?

Branding / Page Design

  1. Does your sales funnel have a favicon?
  2. Does each funnel step/page have a social media image that will appear when it’s shared on the internet (e.g., Facebook)?
  3. Has each funnel step/page been designed so that it’s on-brand, easy to read, compelling?
  4. Is the copy/text on each page correct and compelling?
  5. Has each funnel step/page been optimized for mobile viewing?
  6. Has the pop-up on each page been updated or disabled if not being used?
  7. Have all sections that you don’t wish to show on the page been hidden AND autoplay on videos in these sections disabled?
  8. Have all page footers been updated with the correct company/contact information, and legal information (e.g., disclaimers, link to the privacy policy, link to terms and conditions, refund policy)?

Analytics / SEO

  1. Do you have your pixels set on the correct pages?
  2. Have you reset your funnel statistics, so you’re tracking new visitors after the launch and not test visits or actions?
  3. Has each funnel step/page been optimized for search engines with a title page, description, etc.?
  4. Have you claimed your funnel domain in Google’s search console and added an updated sitemap?

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